9/11 Terrorists failed to shake trust in democracy, said UK PM Boris Johnson – News2IN

9/11 Terrorists failed to shake trust in democracy, said UK PM Boris Johnson

9/11 Terrorists failed to shake trust in democracy, said UK PM Boris Johnson
Written by news2in

LONDON: The terrorists behind the 9/11 attacks in the United States failed to shake confidence in freedom and democracy, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Saturday, because the world marked the 20th anniversary of the terror attack.
In a message on Twitter, Johnson said that while the threat of terror might not disappear, people refused to live in “permanent fear”.
“Today we remember 2,977 people taken from us on September 11, 2001,” Johnson said in his message.
“But while terrorists impose burden of their sadness and suffering, we can now say with a 20-year perspective that they failed to shake our belief in freedom and democracy,” he said.
“That we will be with today – in sadness but also in faith and determination – showing a terrorism failure,” he said.
2,977 people died in a terror attack in New York and Washington, including 67 British citizens.
The attack, planned by Al Qaeda from Afghanistan, saw four US passenger jets confiscated by suicide strikers – two of them were flown to the Twin Menara World Trade Center in New York.
Other aircraft hit the Pentagon, just outside the US capital, Washington DC, and the fourth plane crashed in the fields in Pennsylvania.
The event was detained throughout the world to remember those who lost their lives.
As part of today’s events to mark warnings, private service warnings organized by the September English family support group will be held at Grosvenor Square in the center of London.
After sunset, 67 candles will turn on in the park to remember each of the British victims.
The Johnson address to be played at a warning warning at Olympic Park in East London on Saturday refers to recent events in Afghanistan, which only strengthens the beliefs of people in freedom and democracy.
He said, “Twenty years ago, September 11, 2001 became, in the president’s words (Franklin) Roosevelt after Pearl Harbor, ‘the date will live in infamy’.
But while terrorists impose the burden of their sadness and suffering, and while The threat continues until now, we can now say with a 20-year perspective they fail to shake our beliefs in freedom and democracy; they fail to move our nation separately, or cause us to abandon our values, or to live in permanent fear.

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