9 Judge SC took an oath on the day many notes – News2IN
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9 Judge SC took an oath on the day many notes

9 Judge SC took an oath on the day many notes
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Tuesday is a historic day for the Supreme Court as a record of nine new Supreme Court judges taking an oath, the country moves to get Cji women first, and among those who vowed the three judges in the future and three women.
In an Eye-Ball event he won at the 900 auditorium of seating with close compliance with the Covid protocol, the focus is on the 58-year-old justice of Bangalore Venkataramia Nagaratha.
When taking an oath, he didn’t just follow in the footsteps of his father.
Credit to create so many records in one day go to Cji N V Ramana and other collegium members, you are Lalit, a M Khanwilkar, D Y Chandrachud and L N Rao.
They chose nine unanimously on August 17 and the union government approved a recommendation at a 10-day record.
Judge Nagaratha spoke a few pointed words to TOI.
“I, as a judge, must exercise and deviate justice”.
He understood that he would be under the careful gaze of a continuous citizen along the six years of his trip with the top position in the judiciary.
First among female judges to take an oath is Justice Himli Kohli, who began his career as an advocate who practiced in Delhi HC and in 2006 a judge there.
This year, he was appointed as Chair of the Telangana HC judge.
The third female judge to take an oath is Madhyurya Trivedi’s defense.
He was appointed with Judge HC Gujarat in 2011 and was transferred in the same year to Rajasthan HC.
He was transferred back to Gujarat HC in 2016 and recently took the Government of Gujarat for assignments for weakness in controlling a pandemic.
With the three, SC will have a record of four female judges at the same time, including Indira Banerjee’s justice, which was appointed as Judge SC in 2018.
The first female judge in SC was Justice Fathima Beevi.
He has also crossed a long winding road from starting his career as a trial judge and appointed as Judge SC in 1989.
The country has so far appointed only 11 female judges, including three who took an oath on Tuesday.
Of between nine new SC judges, three – Judge Vikram Nath, Nagarathna and Pamidighantam Sri Narasimha – will continue to be CJIS in that order.
Other new judges are Judge Jitendra Kumar Maheshwari, Chudalayil Thevan Ravikumar and M M Sundresh.

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