Why did Joe Biden not leave only 2,500 US troops in Afghanistan? – News2IN

Why did Joe Biden not leave only 2,500 US troops in Afghanistan?

Why did Joe Biden not leave only 2,500 US troops in Afghanistan?
Written by news2in

Washington: Taliban Lightning Takeover of Afghanistan After President Joe Biden’s decision to attract US troops on August 31 has a criticism of asking: Why does he not leave 2,500 soldiers there to fortify the government who is now falling? That was how many US troops were left in the country when Biden served in January, after his predecessor Donald Trump slashed their number of 15,000.
In the appearance, 2,500 soldiers and 16,000 US civil contractors behind them, it seemed to be enough to keep the Afghan government in power after Trump signed a withdrawal agreement with Taliban rebels on February 29, 2020.
Trump stipulates the final withdrawal on May 1, 2021, and even tries to accelerate .
While the Taliban increases the attack on the target of the Afghan government, their profits remain limited to non-strategic rural areas.
However, obeying the agreement, their attack on US troops and NATO while it almost dries.
There were no US soldiers who were killed after the Trump deal.
Critics argue that this shows that, when supported by US Skeleton forces, Kabul can hold the line against the rebels.
Battlefield Stalemate is more desirable than the full Taliban victory, they said.
“We only have 2,500 troops there, a light touch, no chaos, not an American soldier who died in a year in battle,” said Senator Republic Mitch McConnell said this week.
He urged Biden to increase support for Afghan forces rather than gone.
“If we let the Taliban dominate Afghanistan and Al-Qaeda again, it will resonate along the global jihadist movement,” McConnell said.
Biden, who has long advocated Afghanistan, launched a review after serving.
In April, he announced his decision: The US would leave, but the deadline for departure was pushed back three months, until the end of August.
The choice, Biden explained on August 16, “It’s good to follow up on the agreement or be prepared to return against the Taliban.” Without an exit date, he said, the Taliban will continue the attack on the US target.
“There is no status quo stability without American victims after May 1,” he said.
The choice is “either following an agreement to withdraw our troops, or increase conflict and send thousands more American troops back to battle in Afghanistan, sliding to the third decade of conflict.” The impact of the Biden’s decision was amazing.
The Taliban accelerated their campaign, Afghan troops stopped fighting, and government officials handed over their cities without refusing, until Kabul fell on August 15.
Max boot military historian, wrote at the Washington Post, tied the decision with the withdrawal of Biden directly to the Disintegration of Afghanistan strength.
“Many argue that only 2,500 US troops cannot make a difference,” he wrote.
“The history of the last few months rejected this view: the last Taliban offensive began only when the US troops were almost complete.” If the United States left 2,500 soldiers in the country and continued to provide air support to Afghan troops, “it was enough to maintain a tenuous balance where the Taliban made progress in the countryside, but every city remained in the hands of the government,” Booting said.
One thing Biden and critic agreed: Afghan government and security forces are very dependent on the United States.
And with US military support, technical knowledge and lost money, Afghan security ephriice was destroyed.
Critics said US forces should remain, such as the United States maintained a strength of 2,500-strong in Iraq, and a larger number in Germany, South Korea and Japan, since the Korean War II and the Korean War.
It will be feasible to prevent the takeover of al-Qaeda jihadists from the country, they said.
Biden and supporters say sustainable costs in American life and money, support the government that is openly ineffective in Kabul, will not justify it.
The results will be the same five years at the end of the road, said Biden.
The White Security Adviser of the White House Jake Sullivan believes that even when Trump’s administration increased the presence of US forces to 15,000 troops in 2017, said Sullivan, Afghan forces losing land.
“What happened for the past month had been firmly proven that it would take the presence of significant American forces, several times greater than what President Biden was handed, to stop the Taliban attack.
And we will take the victim.”

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