After a terrible accident, the police made an on-the-spot awareness video – News2IN

After a terrible accident, the police made an on-the-spot awareness video

After a terrible accident, the police made an on-the-spot awareness video
Written by news2in

Nagpur: After noting that the bottled water stuck under the brakes and the clutch pedal has caused a terrible accident that claimed three lives and injured the other two, the senior inspector of Motiram M Bodkhe from the rural pus police station in Yavatmal has created a video awareness.
On August 19, the SUV had hit a tree along the road in Khandala Ghat Village in Pusad Tehsil.
The four-wheel coming from Madhya Pradesh headed to Ramnagar near the mahur.
Senior Pi Bodkhe said the accident occurred on the road with rare traffic movements.
“While checking the car, the water bottle was found stuck under the brake and the clutch pedal.
It must be withdrawn with strength.
It is almost clear that the driver cannot operate the brakes and clutches,” said Bodkhe.
Bodkhe said he asked a police officer to photograph the video in a place to explain how the accident occurred and the cause.
“There is no script or preparation but only an impromptu effort to create awareness and ensure the driver does not repeat this error by keeping anything under the driver’s seat,” he said.
The senior PI said the accident reminded him of a similar incident a few years ago on Jalan Soapur-Pandharpur where about eight people died.
“A bottle was found stuck under the brake and the clutch pedal,” said Bodkhe who also worked in the city of Nagpur in the past.
Bodkhe said he regretted not making bi-lingual videos shot at Marathi.
“I have received calls from all Maharashtra to appreciate video content.
It can be forwarded to other countries has also been shot in Hindi,” he said.

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