1.6 Crore people in India have missed their 2nd vaccine shots – News2IN
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1.6 Crore people in India have missed their 2nd vaccine shots

1.6 Crore people in India have missed their 2nd vaccine shots
Written by news2in

New Delhi: At least 1.6 crore people in India have not received the second shot from the Covid vaccine 16 weeks after their first, the longest recommended gap between two shots.
More than their crore is among parents, and the rest comes from other vulnerable groups such as health workers and front lines and those aged over 45.
The 1.6 crore arrived by seeing how many people got their first shot 2 May, namely 16 weeks ago, and compare it with their total amount so far got the second.
All data from the press release issued by the Ministry of Health.
The government has been on May 13 to approve a 12-16 week gap for Covishield, which accounts for more than 85% of all vaccinations; For Covaxin, it’s much shorter 4-6 weeks.
The number of people whose second shot is delayed outside the recommended interval may be higher because the calculation for 1.6 crore is based on 16 weeks for covishield and not six weeks for covaxin.
So, the numbers for those who have both doses so far include many who received their first chance after 2.
The number of people who qualified for their second shot – after 12 weeks – and not fully vaccinated was 3.9 crore (again, this number It may be higher because the minimum gap for Covaxin is four weeks compared to 12 for covishield).
According to government data, 12.8 crores from the priority group of health care workers and the forefront, 45-59 years and those over the age of 60 have received their first dose in May 2.
From them, 11.2 Crore has gained a dose both of them.
More than one Crore 60+ people, around 45 lakh groups aged 45-59, 12 Lakh-odd health workers and 1.8 Lakh frontline workers from those who got their first shot on May 2 have not received the second dose on Monday morning.
One of the most important reasons given to the use of the Cowin platform for Covid immunization is to ensure that the group is more vulnerable, because of the risk of exposure such as health workers and frontline, and groups with higher risk of death such as those above 45 years and the elderly can be given priority.
However, the trend seems to be contrary to what is intended.
For those aged 18-44 years, vaccination opened only in May 1.
May 2 more than 86,000 in this age group received their first dose.
Since then, the vaccination between them has released more than 1.94 crores after getting their second dose on Monday – pushed to a certain extent by their employers regulating camps and other initiatives to make it vaccinated.
Overall, in 18+ populations, 48% have at least one shot, but only about 14% have obtained both.
Vaccination for the group of 18-45 was opened on May 1, which was about 16 weeks ago.

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