Chaos in the Vax Center Kolkata Municipal Corpn-Run – News2IN

Chaos in the Vax Center Kolkata Municipal Corpn-Run

Chaos in the Vax Center Kolkata Municipal Corpn-Run
Written by news2in

Kolkata: Chaos applies in most Covid Covid (CVC) vaccination centers Kolkata Municipal on Wednesday after one queue is enforced for the first and second dose recipient after the command from the top brass.
In most of the center, the number of people who queue for the first dose are far more than those who come to their second shot.
With routine immunization for children also done on Wednesday, vaccination in many CVC can only begin in the afternoon.
Those who came for both Jab had to wait long.
In the CVC managing Covaxin in Hazra, senior citizens Subir Dutta, who came for the second dose, had to wait almost three hours to be affixed.
“KMC changes the rules every day.
I don’t know who has an idea of ​​a queue for the first and second dose recipient.
People like us seemed to be outnumbered by the first dose recipient.
While some left the queue in the middle, I decided to wait for Get vaccination, “Dutta said.
At the Mega KMC vaccination center, Civic body officials make separate settings for two categories after they feel the problem.
Some of the KMC medical officers themselves were confused about the commands that had been released late on Monday night and they tweaked to ensure that it did not cause problems.
At the KMC Covishield vaccination center in Tollygunge, Civic staff distributed coupons to the second receiver of the dosage from 8am and asked them to appear during the day.
At first the two doses were asked to stand in one queue.
Then, priority is given to the second dose recipient and hence, the provisions are made for separate queues.
Medical officers from Tollygunge-based clinics said that when vaccination began on Wednesday on Wednesday because of routine immunization programs, they felt that the second dose recipient needed a priority to their first dose colleagues.
In fact, medical officers who oversee the CVCS also tweaked the ratio rules to share vaccines between the first and second dose recipients.
In CVC near Garar, the medical officer gave 100 doses for the first dose recipient while 80 doses were set aside for the second dose recipient.
According to the rules, 70% of the allocation of civil vaccination clinics must go to the first dose recipient.
“We consciously made a decision to serve the second dose recipient that now grows in number,” said a KMC official.

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