More than 1 Crore recipient fully vaccinated in Rajasthan – News2IN

More than 1 Crore recipient fully vaccinated in Rajasthan

More than 1 Crore recipient fully vaccinated in Rajasthan
Written by news2in

Jaipur: The country has reached a milestone to fully vaccinate at least 20% of the country’s population that qualifies for covid vaccination.
The number of people who were vaccinated full rose to 1 crore in the state on Thursday.
The number of beneficiaries that qualified for covid vaccination in the country is 5.14 crore.
Congratulates health workers, Health Minister Raghu Sharma said that the state led in vaccination against Covid.
He said that 20% of the targeted population in this country had been vaccinated, by providing a second dose to more than 1 crore on Thursday afternoon.
On Thursday afternoon, the total number of dosages provided, including the first and second dose, rose to 4.12.67,359, and from this, 3,12,58,116 people had been given the first dose and 1,009,243 people had been given both doses.
The Ministry of Health achieves this by preparing 3,177 vaccination sites throughout the state, including 3,109 governments and 68 private vaccination sites.
Anticipating the third wave of Covid, Sharma said the infrastructure of all hospitals in the state was being reinforced with an icus.
Also, the availability of medical oxygen is also confirmed in the 332 chosen public health centers.
The oxygen generation plant has been installed to increase the availability of oxygen to 1,000 metric tons every day.
To overcome the lack of oxygen, the government has bought more than 50,000 oxygen concentrators, which are being sent to medical institutions in remote areas so that villagers do not need to come to the city.
Sharma said that the state government, in addition to providing medical facilities to patients, also works to empower them with legal rights to utilize medical care, because the country will be the first in which medical facilities will be legal rights for patients.
Sharma said that the right to health will be the biggest change in the medical sector in the state.
For this, advice ordinary people are taken while preparing for the draft law.
The right to health law will be taken by entering these suggestions.

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