India waits and watches until there is clarity about government formation in Afghanistan – News2IN

India waits and watches until there is clarity about government formation in Afghanistan

Written by news2in

New Delhi: India said there was a lack of clarity of entities that formed the government in Afghanistan and New Delhi continued to be in waiting and watching modes.
When asked whether India would recognize the Taliban, a spokesman for the External Ministry (MEA) Arinindam Bagchi said: “The situation on the ground is uncertain.
The main concern is the safety and security of people.
At present, there is a shortage of clarity about any entity that forms a government in Kabul.
So I thought we jumped the gun at recognition.
“” At the moment there is no clarity about any entity that forms a government in Afghanistan.
There are many stories that occur in who will be a representative from the government.
Is the government it will be inclusive, we continue to monitor The situation carefully.
This is a carefully developing situation.
There is a process and peaceful discussion still happens when we talk.
We know the land situation, “Mea spokesman added.
According to international media reports, the Taliban worked to form a temporary briefing government.
Top Taliban leader Mullah Baradar has arrived in Kabul and held talks with leaders about government formation.
According to several reports, Taliban’s leadership also held talks with former President Hamid Karzai.
Taliban seized power on August 15.
Some countries like Pakistan, China, Turkey expressed the intention and willingness to recognize and work with the Taliban.
Meanwhile, Amrullah Saleh who called himself a Afghan caretaker president was reported to establish the power of anti-Taliban resistance in Panjshir.
Also there is no clarity so far from the Taliban they will include Tajik, Uzbeks, Hazara and other ethnic in the government.
But India’s position continues to be in the mode of “Wait and Watch” as a bomb explosion and the security situation that deteriorated in Kabul made a difficult evacuation effort.
On Thursday, evacuation flights came with only 40 passengers because they reached the Kabul airport to become a difficult task.
India has said that it has evacuated almost all Indian citizens who want to come.
Speaking to people’s media, said MEA spokesman, “We have evacuated more than 550 people on six separate flights directly from Kabul or through Dushanbe.
Of these, more than 260 is an Indian citizen.
This does not include the Indian Embassy personnel who too Medium.
Separately, the government also facilitates the evacuation of Indian citizens through other countries and partners.
“” In this evacuation process, we are related to various countries, especially the United States for controlling the airport.
Also, the coordination of Iran’s military flight permit.
Uzbekistan, “said MEA spokesman added” We can issue some Afghanistan.
Citizens and citizens from other countries.
From here, many of them are Sikh and Hindus.
Especially, our focus will be in Indian citizens, but we will also Standing in Afghanistan standing on us, “Bagchi said during a press conference.
in the national capital.
India has opened an e-visa window for a six-month term of office for Afghan citizens.
India also held discussions about the position of Afghanistan which was already here for health checks and studies etc.
before the Taliban seized power in Kabul.

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