COLOR: Vaccination queues back in private hospitals – News2IN

COLOR: Vaccination queues back in private hospitals

Kolkata: After a break of about one and a half months, the vaccination queue has grown longer at a private hospital throughout Kolkata, thanks to the return of the second dose recipient who has received their first shot in May-June.
While most hospitals have seen doubling the recipient’s number since the beginning of this week, in some places to increase more than six times.
At the Medica Superspecialty hospital, a surge in this week suddenly and dramatic.
From more than 200 recipients on Thursday, the number touched 1,000 on Friday.
It passed 1,500 on Saturday.
“We have expected a surge but the increase is very fast and large.
Until August 23, we have more than 200 per day.
Now it has been up six times,” said Chairpresson Medica Alok Roy.
He added that hospitals expect a hurry to continue for a month and have enough doses to meet demand.
“More than 80% are the second dose recipient who got their first chance during the second wave,” said Roy.
AMRI Hospital is inoculated around 1,300 in three centers in Dhakuria, Mukundapur and Salt Lake on Saturday.
On Dhakuria alone, the number of recipients passed 600 while Mukundapur and Salt Lake were recorded around 300 each.
“Surge starts on Wednesday and is expected.
About 80% of the crowd is the second dose recipient.
We hope the numbers rise further in the first week of September.
So, we have done an order for 20,000 doses while we hold around 12,000 stock now, “CEO of Amri Rupak Barua.
Hospital Leeran is among those who see a sudden surge three days ago, when the number of recipients jumped from 200-plus to 482.
“They got the first shot during the second wave again.
So, the queue will now be longer.
We expect Numbers to cross 600 in the next few days and get ready with sufficient stock, “said CEO of Nearkless Sudipta Mitra.
He added that even though the hospital had delayed dose requests during the interim pause, it would be enough to meet increasing demand.
“The process of procurement is easier and faster.
So, we expect a new consignment in the next few days,” Mitra added.
Belle Vue Clinic has seen a quadrupled increase since Thursday.
“While we were vaccinated only 110 on Thursday, the number reached 474 on Friday and more than 450 on Saturday,” CEO P Tondaon said.
At Woodlands hospital also, there have been 100% surge at the recipient this week with the number of recipients who jumped to 200 of 100.
The crowd had swelled in the location center too.
Amri Hospital, which offers vaccination at the South South and Acropolis Mall, said the queue has started longer after Lull for a month.
On the Acropolis, around 300 received a shot on Saturday while the number of doses was around 150 in the south city.
“Apart from, we just received orders for 5000 doses of software companies.
So, September will be a busy month,” Barua added.

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