Telangana: School approval form … – News2IN

Telangana: School approval form …

Telangana: School approval form ...
Written by news2in

Hyderabad: As a manikents preparing for the physical class from September 1, the approval form is circulated by several schools, citing themselves taking responsibility for the health of students, have made parents.
After the order of the Telangana Government, many schools have begun to send approval forms to parents to find out how many percentages are ready to send their children back to school.
In some forms like it is accessed by TOI, schools have clearly refused to be responsible for the health of students.
In such a form, circulated by a school based in Begumpet, management not only asked parents to be responsible for Covid-19 but also for other diseases such as dengue and malaria fever.
Not only that, he ties parents with legal responsibility if students or staff, intentionally or unconsciously, infected.
“Parents voluntarily agree to assume all the risks above and accept single responsibility for any infection or injury from infectious diseases such as Covid-19, Dengue, Malaria etc.
to students, or anyone who has contact with such people, “read.
The school recognizes that almost 70% of parents have not agreed to send their children to school for physical classes.
“We also have not received detailed instructions by the Ministry of Education, on whether it is important to stop the online class if the physical school starts or to proceed with them together with the physical class,” the authorities said from the Jubilee Hills public school in a letter to all parents.
An annoyed parents said that the approval form did not instill confidence in them as far as the concerned.
“Why do I want to send my child to school if management holds me and children are responsible for all actions? Safety of students is the same partnership between parents and school management.
None of us can only hold others responsible for that,” said Dinesh Sharma (name changed), parents.
In other cases, a school based in Abids has been looking for declarations from parents who state that they send their children to school with their “risks and responsibilities” and “will not be responsible for their child’s health” for their child’s health.
School management argues that the approval form has been compiled after government orders.
“We have had past experiences where parents blame school management for infecting their children.
While we take all the necessary precautions, parents also need to oversee children’s activities, “said a school principal.
Meanwhile, pills have been put forward in the Telangana High Court which challenges the government’s decision to reopen school since September 1.

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