Nagpur: In the alleged plagiarism at Nagpur University, a teacher from the Dharampeth Science College filed a complaint that claimed that the PhD’s thesis from his students was sent for patent registration by the senior professor who worked with the Physics, Chemistry and Electronic Department when he deliberately excluded his name and copied the whole matter from the thesis.
After the complaint, the application submitted for registration of patents in the ‘patent office controller’ in Mumbai was drawn recently.
Even the website is displayed that it was thrown away.
Complaints, referred to as “opposition” in accordance with patent actions, 1970, and patent regulations, 2003, submitted by Seema Ubale, who was a professor at the Dharampeth Science College, on July 31, a famous sentimost.
The professor of the Department of Physics, which has many patents on his name, approaches him with the offer they will include his name in the research team.
However, he refused to be part of the team.
Ubale told Ti that such malpractice used work and other people’s ideas and put them as their property while submitting a “rampant in Nu” patent.
“The senior professors are involved in the practice of malafide which is unfair to obtain, copy and deceive the verbatim scientific literature of my student thesis.
It has been published in various journal research and patent publications,” he said.
Professor said that he had decided to expose this practice, “because my work with my students was copied and sent for patent registration without giving me credit”.
Teacher Nu allegedly lured the girl, who completed his PhD under Ubale, to file a patent by entering their names and deliberately exclude the guidance name.
According to the complainant, his students had registered for a PhD with NU in 2012 at the Faculty of Science after completing post-graduating, with him as a guide.
After conducting research under Ubale at Dharampeth College, students handed over his thesis in 2019.
Professor Arriormost was crowned as a co-supervisor.
The student was given to the title during the July 9 meeting.
In 2019 itself, Ubale learned that NU’s teacher had submitted a patent on the same subject where the girl had completed research under its guidance.
Ubale said that he did not raise his voice then, “When students will suffer and his PhD may have been threatened”.
“After he got a degree, I decided to stop the malpractice like that.
After my complaint, the professors concerned sent the girl to my house to convince me.
Later, the Arts One visited the residence I asked me to draw my complaint and offered to add names I am on the list of applicants.
When I refused, he said that they had to draw patent registration, which I answered that was their decision and I would continue to fight for justice.
“However, the Arts teacher blamed students because they did not include their guidance and said that he was Does not have a role in all infidelities.
The teacher admitted that he approached Ubale to inclose it as one of the applicants for patents to avoid further controversy.
“Now, there is no question because we have resigned the application because it is incomplete and more research is needed.
We will submit a new patent application,” he told toi.
What happened * A student applied to PhD in 2012.
Seema Ubale was his guide * He completed the thesis submitted to NU in 2019 * NU who was awarded his PhD on July 9 * Ubale knew some senior teachers had submitted a patent based on the test Girls * Applications for patents submitted in 2019, however, allegedly excluded the name Ubale ‘intentionally’ * He filed a complaint with ‘Patent Office Controller’ accusing plagiarism * After complaints, Senior Professor approached him to pull the name list for patents * He refuse after what patent application is drawn