School rises back for elementary school students – News2IN

School rises back for elementary school students

School rises back for elementary school students
Written by news2in

Lucknow: Primary school at Uttar Pradesh reopened on Wednesday after a gap of nearly six months, following the Covid protocol.
Schools welcome children with toffees, chocolate, and flowers in two shifts to avoid crowding.
Significantly thin attendance.
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Rising schools have been reopened for studies for grade 9 to 12 from August 16 and from grade 6 to 8 have also been opened for studies from August 23.
Classes at Madrasas also started from Wednesday with Covid-19 guidelines.
In all schools, the thermal scan of children was carried out at the school gate and they were asked to maintain their mask.
Sanisizers have also been stored in classrooms.
Previously in March, schools were open for several days but were closed again due to the surge in Covid cases.
The teaching work of children in elementary school will be carried out in two shifts.
The first shift will take place from 8am to 11 in the morning.
While the second shift will start from 11.30 in the morning.
In government schools, children are asked to carry their own water equipment and bottles.
Even after the state government decided to reopen the school, parents were still worried to send children after increasing in cases and in fear of the third-19-19-19 wave.
Increasing the fear of mysterious fever that claimed the lives in several districts in the state, have added to the concern of parents.
“Stupid to hope that children will follow the Covid protocol in schools and classes.
They will learn and play at close range and tear the mask as soon as the teacher is not visible.
The only solution is to keep the children go home and they can learn online, “Sadhika Tiwari said, who did not send his five-year-old daughter to school on Wednesday.

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