Gujarat: four years on, victims of acid waiting for compensation – News2IN

Gujarat: four years on, victims of acid waiting for compensation

Gujarat: four years on, victims of acid waiting for compensation
Written by news2in

Ahmedabad: While the Gujarat government has taken a tight posture of acid attacks and comes out with the compensation scheme for victims, victims of acid attacks have been waiting for justice four years after submitting a petition in the Gujarat High Court.
The government is still hesitant to expand financial assistance to him.
The 29-year-old woman is now looking for medical assistance for the operation that she needs to run in a private hospital for her damaged esophagus because she was forced to consume the acid allegedly by her husband and her in-laws on August 13, 2012 at Alvar Rajasthan.
His parents, who lived in Gujarat, took him to Ahmedabad and he was given treatment in a civil hospital.
In 2017, he moved the High Court who was seeking financial assistance Rs 5 Lakh from the state government under the compensation for the central victims, and compensating RS 1 lakh under the Prime Minister of National Aid Fund (PMNRF).
In January, the center rejected his request to compensate under the PMNRF by saying that he was a victim of acid attacks in 2012, and the provisions that expanded financial assistance for victims of acid attacks was only introduced in 2016.
While the victim had little hope from PMNRF.
, the state government is still uncertain about whether to provide compensation for him.
The RS 3.9 Crore fund received by the state government for 2017-18 according to the central compensation compensation fund guidelines, RS 3.08 Crore used and the remaining amount was re-submitted by Gujarat to the center.
According to advocacy of victims and Kapadia, while the state government is not committed to expanding any financial assistance to him, it has recently increased other opinions that the incident has occurred in Rajasthan and not in Gujarat.
Because there was no clarity in providing financial assistance to the victims, the High Court on Friday said that if the government did not make decisions about victims’ claims, the court must try the problem.
Advocate Kapadia said that because the esophagus of the victims was badly damaged, he could not eat food with his mouth since the incident occurred.
He needed plastic surgery, but doctors in a civil hospital declared their inability to handle this case.
A team of doctors in a city-based private hospital has stated the willingness to carry out operations, but funds are needed for the same thing.
“We have urged the court to direct the government to provide compensation so that the victim’s medical expenditure can be fulfilled,” said the lawyer.

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