Pakistan in trouble because the Taliban control over Afghanistan incites terrorists: report – News2IN

Pakistan in trouble because the Taliban control over Afghanistan incites terrorists: report

Pakistan in trouble because the Taliban control over Afghanistan incites terrorists: report
Written by news2in

Islamabad: Pakistan, who celebrates the Taliban Afghanistan takeover now wakes up for the awareness that the group’s victory incites terrorists to become a rebellion in their own territory, according to media reports.
When Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan praised Taliban’s victory and said that they broke “bondage bondage”, he did not realize that the victory of clothing in neighboring countries could trigger his own militant.
For weeks, various top Pakistani leaders and retired military generals celebrated the Taliban victory so as militants in Pakistan, because they were enemies of Pakistan General and the government, reported the Washington Post.
Now, Islamabad pays attention to riots that wash on the Afghan border.
After the latest victory about Taliban, militant groups were arrested to create a rebellion in Pakistan, Post Washington added.
Taliban, not only inspired militants but also religious parties marched in Pakistan which aims to reshape the country in the more fundamentalist Islamist image.
Director of Pakistani Institution for Peace Studies in Islamabad, Muhammad Amir Rana said, “With the Taliban took over, the anti-Pakistani terrorist groups would be stuck, but did not end there.
There might be the emergence of new war narratives in this country, which will change the debate What is ongoing about the country and society and the role played by religion, “Report Washington Post on Sunday.
The extremist and non-violent group, he added, “will think, ‘if Islamic rules can occur in Afghanistan, why can’t it happen here?” Pakistani officials were also afraid of Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (Pakistan Taliban) can reappear after the Taliban victory in neighboring countries because TTP allied with the Afghan Taliban.
In the past decade, TTP carried out almost 1,800 attacks on Pakistan.
State and civilian targets.
Recently, TTP also celebrated the Taliban victory in Afghanistan and claimed another attack last week where two Pakistani soldiers were killed.
In July, a UN report said that TTP had nearly 6,000 trained warriors on the Afghan side.
Also say that the Taliban and TTP have maintained relationships.
After taking over Afghanistan, the Taliban also released senior leaders and hundreds of TTP militants from prison.
The Chairman of the Pakistani Senate Defense Committee, “there,” there was attention because of the Taliban track record and their closeness to Pakistani enemies sworn in like TTP.
There is also optimism that this time, the Afghan Taliban is easier to entertain, “Reported The Washington Post.
Recently, Islamabad asked the Taliban to force TTP fighters to hand over their weapons in exchange for Amnesty, Washington Post reported quoting the former commander ranking anonymously said In the messaging application.
However, the Taliban refused to submit TTP members but said that it would suppress them to hold peace talks with the Pakistani government, the commander TTP told.
“If the Taliban Afghanistan tried to force TTP, then some of the commanders could join (countries – countries Khorasan), “he said.
The presence of TTP in Pakistan began to weaken in previous years when the country’s army launched a major attack on them.
However, in 2018, TTP reunited.
Under the new leader of Noor Guardian Mehsud.
Expert contriarrorism at the Military Academy US in the West, Amira Jadoon said, “Mehsud is now preparing Comeback.
“Recently, Mehsud has displayed the clothes as some things mirroring the Victorious Taliban.
Jadoon said, “They see the Afghan Taliban as a path that they can adopt.” Experts also said that Taliban’s victory had added volatile elements to the mainstream politics playing on the streets of Pakistan.
In 1980, Pakistan took more turns Islam under former Mohammed Zia ul-haq.
In the coup, he released the Legal Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, according to Washington Post.
Since then, Pakistan has faced developing strength and transferring the potential of ultraconvative religious parties.

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