Hair loss after covid infection worrying people – News2IN

Hair loss after covid infection worrying people

Written by news2in

Coimbatore: People in the city seem to worry about post-covid hair loss.
The source with the telephoto counseling unit in the Collectorate District told TII that they received at least five to seven phone calls from people who faced problems after recovering from viral infections.
C Radhiga, medical officer in the counseling center, said some women face severe hair fall after Covid-19 treatment.
“We have advised them to take high protein food, including boiled eggs.
After four to five months, they can control hair loss.” Indicates that only a few people were treated with steroids for infection, the officer said the problem of hair loss was normal for People after Covid infection.
“At least five to six of the 20 calls we received a day enhancing the problem of hair loss.
Stress is one of the factors for this.
I have advised them to take a nutritious diet every day and do small exercises.” The TELE counseling unit provides support to the public by handling Questions related to Covid-19 and Mental Health.
Destiri on June 24, he functions from 8am to 8pm on all days.
“Many people contact us asking about vaccination schedules and doubts to be inoculated.
They often share with our trauma.
At least 307 families who lost one or two members of the infection have contacted us.
They cried.
Many people lose their jobs too because of the situation of the pandemic.
We tried Instilling their trust and hope, “said Myayavan, member of the Indian Actionaid NGO.

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