North Korean leader Kim Jong UN is trim, brown and loving parade – News2IN

North Korean leader Kim Jong UN is trim, brown and loving parade

Seoul: North Korean leader Kim Jong UN holds the middle stage in the military parade, showing off the national television audience, a thinner frame, traces of chocolate and haircuts reminiscent of his grandfather – founder of the country Kim Sung.
There were no new weapons on display at North Korea’s first military parade since US President Joe Biden took the office broadcast on Thursday, but there was a lot of attention to the new appearance of Kim, who had experienced weight losses seen in the past few months.
Dress with a bright colored suit, Kim doesn’t give a speech.
But he releases, smiles and gives a thumbs up on thousands of paramilitary security forces and public goose marching for about an hour through Kim Central Il Sung Square in Pyongyang, fixing their gazes to the balcony where they witnessed.
Kim was greeted by a festive applause when he posed for photographs with parade participants, “hardened their iron desires to make the national defense capability be shot,” the official Korean Central News Agency.
Kim – Strength and Smoker – has become the subject of health speculation for years and its public appearance is strictly traced to insight into the autocratic and confidential regime in Pyongyang, especially because his family has a history of heart disease.
North Korean leaders may have dropped at least 20 kilograms (44 pounds) over the past few months, according to a South Korean parliamentary member who was said by a spy agent official in July.
He even looked thinner in the parade.
At parade, Kim also seems to pay respect for his grandfather with a haircut similar to the designed by Kim Il Sung about 70 years ago.
In June, the media quoted a citizen who said North Korea strike cries because he sees Kim Jong UN dramatically.
The 37-year-old leader returned to the public eye to cut a figure that was much thinner after missing most of May, who raised questions about his health.
Kim has been looking for the support of rally because North Korea faced one of the worst food shortages for years.
He struggled to build a sanctioned economy to punish the country to test nuclear weapons and missiles that could provide warheads.

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