Afghanistan blamed the game shifted to the US Congress as Blinken testified – News2IN

Afghanistan blamed the game shifted to the US Congress as Blinken testified

Afghanistan blamed the game shifted to the US Congress as Blinken testified
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WASHINGTON: State Secretary Antony Blinken will give a testimony twice to the Congress this week about US withdrawal from Afghanistan, when parliamentarians start what can be a series of high intensity hearings about the longest war in America.
Congress Member – Democrats President Joe Biden and Opposition Republicans – have planned hearings since the Taliban win control of the country last month after rapid progress.
Blinken will appear on Monday before the Foreign Affairs Committee and Tuesday before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the first Biden government official to testify in public to parliamentarians since the takeover of Islamic militant groups.
The fireworks are expected, given the number of points of finger over how the presence of two-decades-Long A.
in the country ends.
Some Republicans have asked Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and Blinken to resign.
“We expect confrontative hearing,” said a Aide Senate.
Congressman prepared a long list of questions for veteran diplomats about the rapid collapse from the Afghan government supported by the US and the struggle for Biden government to evacuate more than 142,000 people, including Americans, at risk of Afghanistan and others want to escape the Taliban.
“I imagine there will be many questions about what decisions are made to withdraw, including why the White House presses DOD (Department of Defense) to withdraw troops before we evacuate our American civilians and Afghan partners,” Michael’s representative, “McCaul, the top of the Republic Home Committee, said in a written reply to the request to comment on the trial.
He said he also wanted to know why assets such as Bagram air base were not maintained and why the administration had not yet reached the officials of supervision and counterterrorism with neighboring countries.
McCaul added that he expected any questions What happened at Kabul airport during the evacuation ahead of the July 31 administration deadline to leave the country.
Thirteen US troops and dozens of Afghanistan were killed in suicide bombings in the midst of chaos.
“We all want to know what the state (department) to fulfill Janji.
President Biden to get left, our green card holders and our Afghan partners abroad before it’s too late, “McCaul said.
The 20-year treatment said they wanted the trial to overcome not only seven months that Biden was the President before Kabul was arrested by the Taliban but all 20 years of US involvement in the country – under four presidents of both parties.
The US-led invasion dropped the Taliban in 2001 after the September 11 attacks were assigned by the Al Qaeda leaders based in Afghanistan.
“My fear is that the Republican Party will change this into a circus and try to blame Joe Biden for a 20-year-old mistake in Afghanistan,” Senator Chris Murphy, a member of the democracy panel of foreign relations, told reporters about conference calls.
Murphy, who agreed with the decision to draw instead of “remains forever,” he said he did not want a trial to focus only on evacuation.
“The real question is why we live in Afghanistan for 10 years after we know that there will be no way we can build Afghan military, a Afghan government that is able to hold the country against the Taliban after we leave,” Murphy said.
Another Democratic Committee, Senator Chris van Hollen, noted that the former Republican Party President Donald Trump had pushed out of Afghanistan even faster and criticized Biden for the remaining as long as he did it.
“It’s rather difficult to take and listen to Republican partners who strongly support Trump’s decision to currently attack President Biden for the previous decision they support,” he said on the same call.

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