Mystery Shrouds Death 100 Crows in Chikhaldara – News2IN

Mystery Shrouds Death 100 Crows in Chikhaldara

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Nagpur: When the crow population decreases, more than 100 dashing is found dead under the jurisdiction of the Chikhaldara Municipal Board (CMC) on Sunday.
However, the Livestock Department official claimed only six crows died.
CMC Vice President Abdul Sheikh, who first raised this issue, slammed a livestock doctor because he did not live in the headquarters to ensure the number of deaths and bird solutions on it.
“This was for the first time that such large-scale deaths were reported and people, who came to complain to me, themselves witnesses,” Sheikh said.
“We only collected six crows for samples while the remaining birds were removed in a tractor, a fact that was unknown to the forester and animal staff.
Crows lay dead at various points near the pipal tree where vendors sell mutton and chicken in the open on Sunday , “Sheikh Toi said.
“The incident occurred on Sunday and Monday too, was a holiday.
There were no livestock development officers at the Veterinary Hospital (LDOS).
Therefore, we submit this case to Chikhaldara Range Forest Officer (RFO).
I do not know what happened later , “Sheikh said.
Crows are listed in the V of the Wildlife (Protection) (Protection) schedule, 1972, but it has been legally stated as Vermin.
After conscience disappeared, crows have played the role of predators and scavengers.
They eat anything practically.
MELGHAT TIGER Reserve (MTR) CCF & Field Director Jayoti Banerjee, “I have been told by my RFO in Chikhaldara that pesticides are thought to be the reason for the death of the bird.
It was not a bird flu.
After the city staff handed six crows to death to the staff, veterinary doctors collected samples for Knowing the cause of death.
The birds are then buried.
“Speaking with Toi, Amravati District Animal Husbandry Officer, Dr.
Vijay Friendly denied the death of 100 crows.
“There are six crows.
There is no major reason for worry.
I suspect the birds who die of food poisoning may after scoring in meat thrown as waste in the area.” “Samples were sent to the Regional Disease Investigation Laboratory, Pune, for toxicological tests And bacteria.
If some epidemics, more crows will be found dead in the last two days but we haven’t found a dead bird.
We keep a close watch and our staff alert.
Bird flu is also ruled out as the reason for death, “said Dr.
Ajay Poharkar, President, Maharashtra State Veterinary Council (MSVC), said it could also be a Western Nile Virus (WNV), which had been detected in several birds, mostly crows and Jay.
“But unless it is scientifically proven, it will not be true to comment.
Similar deaths from Crows have occurred near Mantuda in the summer of 2005,” said Raptor scientists.
“I believe the crow population decreases quickly.
In Melghat, there is a big tree and hence, the crow population is in a large number.
Bird loss is an eye opener for the Ministry of Forestry that must come with research on this problem,” said Dr.
Nitin Marathe’s Bird Expert said, “The loss of rapid crows is the reason for being a concern.
One of the main reasons for the decline is the destruction of habitat.
In general, crows prefer strong trees such as pipal and banyan to nest.
These trees are destroyed for road expansion and urbanization.
Therefore, they were abandoned in very few bags in the city.
“The cause of concern * on September 12, Chikhaldara City Council of Vice President Abdul Sheikh found more than 100 dead crows in separate places * Fear of epidemics, staff who threw away birds and Save six for sampling by veterinarians * Dr.
Vijay District Animal Husbandry Rahat Rules of bird flu * Birds may have died of food poisoning * Raptor scientists

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