‘Two killed in a meeting of whanes is an underage child – News2IN

‘Two killed in a meeting of whanes is an underage child

'Two killed in a meeting of whanes is an underage child
Written by news2in

Hyderabad: Principal of Gudigandla Government School, in which two of the four victims of the meeting allegedly studied, had notified Commission vs.
that the second underage at the time at the time in 2019.
In fact, one of the defendants was less than 16 years.
The teacher also revealed that the police obtained their details from school records a few days after ‘incident Disha’.
On Tuesday, the Principal V Narasimhulu, a teacher of the second MPP class, Gudigandla Village, was overthrown as a witness before the Supreme Court was appointed by the investigation commission, investigating the alleged murder meeting of four people accused of gangs and murders of Disha veterinarians in December 2019 .
Quoting from school records, which is also equipped with a commission, the principal states that two meetings of Victims – Jollu Shiva Kumar and C Chennakeshavulu – have studied at school.
According to Narasimhulu, Shiva Kumar, the son of Rajanna from Gudigandla Village, took the entrance ticket in grade 2 in the 2008-2009 academic year on August 26, 2008.
“He has completed the 5th grade and left school on September 24, 2012, to join Zilla Parishad School ( Zphs), Lalkota, “said the principal.
When answering the advice of the Virupaksha Gowda Commission, the Principal said that C Chennakeshavulu, son of C Kurmaiiah, had joined the school on July 4, 2014, and the date of birth, according to the record, was April 10, 2004.
He was less than 16 years at the meeting In 2019.
School teachers mentioned that three or four days after the incident of Disha, the Meo had called him at night and told him the police who might come and he had to show them school records.
“I went to school with 10:30 and the police came there.
When they asked for J Shiva Kumar and Chennakeshavulu’s note, I showed them notes.
They have taken photos of notes with their cellphones.
When I asked them their identity, one of them was told that he was from Shamshabad PS, “Narasimhulu told commissions.
During a cross examination, the state advisor V Surender Rao was asked about the date of registration of the date of birth of a student in the school record, the principal said that, “Generally in villages most of them are illiterate and whatever date of the parents of the birth of students gave, We record it in register.
” At this time, the Chairperson of the Sirpurkar Commission asked a question, “Is there a parent giving birth certificate during their child’s confession?” Narasimhulu said: “If birth happened in the hospital, we asked for a birth certificate.
If not, we consider it per declaration of parents.
” The principal also mentions that if parents bring birth certificates when they enter, they make notes in the comments column from receiving register.
Counsel for the defendant’s relatives tried to nod to cross – examine witnesses: Independent PV Krishnamachary advice, representing the family of four people killed in the alleged meeting related to the case of Disha, filed a petition before the Commission asked permission to cross the witness to the State and Police.
The Commission heard the applicant and objection submitted by supporters representing state and police personnel and quiet orders.

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