7 of Tagana Safe 100 Percentile in Jee (Main) – News2IN

7 of Tagana Safe 100 Percentile in Jee (Main)

7 of Tagana Safe 100 Percentile in Jee (Main)
Written by news2in

Hyderabad: Seven candidates from Telangana have secured 100 percentiles in the Together (Main) 2021 examination, the results were released in WEE Wednesday.
44 students get 100 percentile marks from all over the country.
Eighteen students, including two of Telangana – Komma Shinya and Madur Adarsh ​​Reddy – secured all of India’s first rank in the exam.
Apart from the sale, all of which have second ranked India among women’s toppers in the April session, and Madur Adarsh, the other from the country that gets 100 percent (national testing agency score) is Josyula Venkata Aditya, Poly Lakshmi Sai Lokesh Reddy, Kulikela Puneep Kumar , Bannuru Rohit Kumar Reddy and Velavali Venkata Karthikea Sai Vydhik.
Last year, eight students from Telangana got 100 percentile marks.
“In the last three sessions, I made some silly mistakes.
But this time, especially after checking the key, I am sure that I will get 100 percent,” Shinya told Toi, adding that his preparation for the Advanced Exam was on track and he wanted to secure Chair in the field of computer science engineering in IIT, Bombay.
While Adarsh, whose parents were both doctors, said he was more confident in the third and fourth session because he had succeeded in removing the fear of Covid from the equation of the exam as he had positively tested before.
“I am sure that I will not sign a virus at the exam center because I just recovered from Covid-19.
It helped me,” he said.
This year, because the pandemic, Jee (play) was carried out in four sessions.
NTA stated the result by considering the best NTA score of all candidates who appeared in more than one test session.
NTA score for paper-2a (barch) and paper-2b (planning b) will be stated on the following date.
A total of 20 candidates were released in the future exam for a period of three years to cheat.
Their results have also been detained.
Registration for Jee (continued) starts on Wednesday.

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