Riding pipsaka to lead 2020 tally with most cybercrimes – News2IN

Riding pipsaka to lead 2020 tally with most cybercrimes

Riding pipsaka to lead 2020 tally with most cybercrimes
Written by news2in

Lucknow: In 2020, Uttar Pradesh may have registered the sharpest sauce in cases of cruel crime in seven years, but the state registered at least 30 cases of criminal cybercrime every year throughout the year.
While this is slightly lower than the number of Cybercrime cases in the state in 2019, it made a list of countries with these cases in 2020.
According to the National Crime Recording Bureau (NCRB) statistics released on Wednesday, registered 11,097 Cybercrime cases in the year 2020.
The second in the list is Karnataka, a relatively less population, with 10,741 cybercrimes in that year.
This is an increase in the defeat of 1,500% of the 687 Cybercrime cases reported in 2013.
Note also stated that 6,491 people were arrested in these cases while 878 was punished.
Among the cases of cybercrime, maximum, 4647, has fraud as a motive.
This was attended by 560 with sexual exploitation as a motive.
While 73 cases have a political motive, 63 for hatred of the country.
In 2,120 cases, violations are publications and transmission of obscene materials.
325 Other cases are registered for pornography against women and 161 for the same thing against children.
SP Cybercrime Trivedi Singh told TOI that as many as 18 police stations dedicated in each range have been made functional and more carried out after the increase in cyberspace.
“We use sophisticated tools to detect cybercrims.
Recently, Rs 6 Crore restored by us throughout the state in such cases,” he said.
Other senior officials said the first-death initiative to protect women and children had been initiated by the state where in one click, one could register complaints about cyber bullies and online harassment.
The new website, www.wcso.in, was launched recently for women and child security organizations.

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