Saswata while playing Hobu Chandra – News2IN

Saswata while playing Hobu Chandra

Saswata while playing Hobu Chandra
Written by news2in

Be it OTT or film, the seriousness of the character he has played for years has left Saswata Chatterjee somehow a little tired.
He was tired of playing the police or serial killer.
And now, the next Saswata movie sees it as Hobu Chandra, King Bombagwar.
It’s like breathing fresh air for actors to play something that will entertain children.
Will ‘Hobu Chandra King Gobu Chandra Mantri’ tells a simple story of a king, a queen and mantri or is there a political satire wrapped in a fairy tale? Saswata said not only children, but those who like Bengali must watch the director of Aniket Chatttopadhyay.

If he is the king of the country in real life how thrilling it? Well, Saswata said the way everything would happen he would leave his kingdom to seek peace, “I will escape from my kingdom given the current situation we are.
In a fairy tale, so Gobu Chandra has pretty destroyed everything and in real life you will hardly find Hobu Chandra Raja today who can rule his royal peacefully and a simple lifestyle.
Also, now everyone is Gobu Chandra.
So, you can imagine how difficult it is to live for the king.

Having a Bengali fairy tale like Thakumar Jhuli has lost their glory in the midst of Disney’s popularity, cartoons or Western tales? Experienced actors have doubts on whether there is a child today reading Bengali’s tale.
“Children are now more interested in watching cartoons on TV or cellular.
The main reason behind this problem is that almost no one can read stories to children.
In most nuclear families, you will not see grandparents who can make Children realize the importance of Banglar Roopkotha.
Now, Fairy Tale means Harry Potter for those who are not even from our country.
This is truly a sad country.
I think those who love Bengali must see this film.
At least, children will Knowing the history of rich culture from Bengali Fairy Tales, “explained Saswata.
The next pandemic and locking has taken victims in children too, in fact, those who are most affected.
So, the actor believes ‘Hobu Chandra King Gobu Chandra Mantri’ will bring fresh air.
This will be an ideal puja gift for all.
“Not only children, but this film is also for all.
Now, we hardly find healthy and healthy entertainment.
Our society no longer has a healthy environment.
Most digital platforms are interested in content based on murder, rape, violence and so on Er Intolerance, “added the actor.
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Besides Saswata, children’s fantasy drama is also the Bintang Kharaj Mukherjee, Arpita Chatterjee and Subhasish Mukherjee in the lead.

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