Morality Police replaced the Afghan female ministry – News2IN

Morality Police replaced the Afghan female ministry

Morality Police replaced the Afghan female ministry
Written by news2in

Workers in the Capital of Afghanistan Kabul were replaced by signs of female affairs in the country with people for the Taliban moral police on Friday, as a former female employee from the department said they had locked out of the building.
A sign for the building is covered by a replacement in a mixture of and Arabic, reading “the Ministry of Prayer and Guidance and Promoting Virtue and Prevention of Crime” on Friday, according to photos and witness Reuters.
Women’s employees said they had tried to come to work for a few weeks just to be told to return to their homes, according to the video filmed outside the building was seen by Reuters.
The building gate was finally locked on Thursday, one of the women said.
“I am the only breadwinner in my family,” said a second woman, who also said he worked in the department.
“When there is no service, what should a Afghan woman do?” Taliban spokesman did not respond to a comment request on Friday.
When the Taliban, who took control of Afghanistan last month in the midst of chaos after the withdrawal of US troops, last in electricity from 1996-2001 girls were not permitted to attend school and women were banned from work and education.
During the period the ministry for the promotion of virtues and evil prevention was known as a group moral police, upholding sharia interpretations which included strictly dressed code and public execution and punches.
The list of the cabinet was announced by the Taliban on September 7 including a minister acting for the promotion of virtues and prevention of representatives and did not mention a female minister, but the group did not confirm the department had been dissolved.
A senior Taliban leader said earlier this week that women would not be allowed to work in the government ministry with men.

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