Blast targets Taliban trucks in the eastern city of Afghanistan – News2IN

Blast targets Taliban trucks in the eastern city of Afghanistan

Kabul: A pickup truck carrying Taliban fighters is a target of a bomb in the city of Jalalabad in Afghanistan, local media reported, a day after at least two people were killed in a series of explosions in the area.
The witnesses told local media that some injured Taliban fighters were taken to the hospital after the explosion, which said a journalist occurred near the intersection for transportation to and from the capital, Kabul.
Further details are not immediately available.
At least two people were killed in Jalalabad on Saturday in the first deadly explosion since the last US forces withdrew from Afghanistan on August 30.
Eastern City is the capital city of Nangarhar Province, the heart of the Afghan Branch of the Islamic Group.
Although both and the Taliban are Sunni Hardline Islamic guerrillas, they have been different in the Minutiae religion and strategy.
Tussle has caused bloody battles between the two.

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