Johnson Post-Covid Economic Economy as Conservative UK Meet – News2IN

Johnson Post-Covid Economic Economy as Conservative UK Meet

Johnson Post-Covid Economic Economy as Conservative UK Meet
Written by news2in

LONDON: British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said he was ready to take the “Bold Decision” to rebuild the economy after the Pandemic Coronavirus as his conservative party met weeks for his first annual conference since 2019.
Tory’s conference opened Sunday in Manchester as a shortage of truck drivers for fuel delivery The whole British continues to cause an empty pump and a long line in many gas stations.
Concerns about a wider lack of labor, higher taxes, increased energy bills and welfare payment pieces begin this week are between the other challenges facing Johnson.
Apart from economic worries, the opinion survey showed that Johnson and his conservatives committed voting in front of the Opposition Labor Party.
Before the conference, Johnson said he was ready to take “big and courageous decisions on the priorities he thought – such as social care, in supporting work, about climate change, handling crime and rising levels.” Asked about the crisis of the lack of truck driver Johnson said it was a “chronic problem” associated with roughness of migrant workers who were willing to work for low wages and poor conditions.
He said he would not repeat the mistake.
“The way forward for our country is not to attract a large lever that marks uncontrolled immigration, and allows many people to do work,” he told the BBC.
Referring to the 2016 referendum which leads to the English exit from the European Union, Johnson said: “When people choose to change in 2016 …
they choose to the end of the damaged model of the British economy that relies on low wages and low skills and productivity Low chronic, and we move from it.
“Johnson said the British economy will go through the post-breakit” period of adjustment “, and acknowledge that supply chain problems and lack of food and fuel can continue until Christmas.
He also stated that the situation at the gas station improved after more than a week of interference – even though retailers said the driver was still unable to get gas in many pumps in the London and Southeast England.
The UK has long suffered from a shortage of truck drivers, but the problem has arrived at the head with a Brexit combination, which ends the freedom of moving workers from the UE to England, and a pandemic, which is very limited to travel and stop training for domestic drivers should replace those who go to the country of origin they.
About 200 military personnel, including 100 drivers, will be taken to the road starting Monday to help alleviate the lack of fuel supply.
The gasoline retail association has been welcomed, but warns it will have a limited impact considering the relatively small amount involved.
The government also said Friday that it expanded an emergency visa program for thousands of foreign truck drivers.

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