IIT-K and ICCT studies suggest EV adoption to improve air quality, health benefits in each state in 2040 – News2IN

IIT-K and ICCT studies suggest EV adoption to improve air quality, health benefits in each state in 2040

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Completed / Alvi Times News Network Kanpur: Arroads with extensive electric vehicles (EVS) with strong power generation emissions and electrical decarbonization policies will produce clean air quality and health benefits in each state in India in 2040.
Studies conducted by the Para Researchers from the Indian Technology Institute of Kanpur (IIT Kanpur) and the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) estimate vehicle emissions and the electricity sector, air quality, early mortality, and avoid health damage in India with an ambitious EV sales scenario between 2020 and 2040.
, with and without strong power emissions and decarbonization strategies.
* Findings for 2030 and 2040 indicate that more stringent emissions control strategies tend to be more effective in avoiding premature deaths than ambitious decarbonization strategies regardless of various benefits.
Combining the two strategies that maximize the benefits of EVS and bring enhanced air quality in every state of India in 2040 compared to the baseline in 2040.
It produces as many as 70,380 avoiding premature death, which is equivalent to health costs of up to $ 80.7 billion (2020) US dollar) in 2040 only.
“This study is a clear indication that EVS is the future and here to remain and the benefits of use can cause better quality of life in 2040.
We are proud to be associated with landmark research and want to thank ICCT for beautiful collaboration and broken This.
“said Prof.
Abhay Karandikar, Director of Iit-Kanpur.
“EVS is the future, but we must be careful about the transition phase and energy source to charge EV.
Our simulation on air quality shows strict emission control in power plants and their decarbonization gradually is the way forward,” said Mukesh Sharma , Professor in IIT-Kanpur and co-author of the study “cannot be denied again, there are benefits from the decarbonization of electrical boxes and increasing control of power generation emissions, and we see the valuable policy regardless of the level of vehicle electrification,” ICCT India said lead Anup Bandivadekar.
“The idea that electrification without cleaning the grid will backfire in terms of air quality is mostly incorrect.
These findings highlight the social benefits of EVS, and they can be maximized not by delaying electrification, but when policies for power sector emissions and decarbonization control are carried out in parallel with strategies vehicle electrification.
“said Arijit Sen, a partner researcher at the ICCT and the main author of the study of this study took data from national emissions and gridded output from various vehicle scenarios and the electricity sector to produce the value of national and state air quality using the WRF-CHEM model, especially focus In fine particulates (PM2.5) concentration.
In 2030 and 2040, there was a decrease in PM2.5 concentration for all scenarios, which showed an increase in air quality nationally.
At the state level, except a little worsening air quality in Ladakh which is in the tolerance of model errors, air quality is increasing or stable for all countries in all scenarios 2030 and 2040 compared to the baseline in the same year.

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