New RDS certification before opening: NGO to Jalan MP safety panel – News2IN

New RDS certification before opening: NGO to Jalan MP safety panel

Written by news2in

Nagpur: Ramp Flyover is aware close to KP built with weaknesses.
The opening of the new Jail road is another example.
Road Plan Development Wanjari Nagar also opened without the right traffic study.
The latest example is Jalan DP Morris College Morris.
Quite often looked and experienced that new streets in the city opened for traffic with many hubbub.
Such opening in the following days was immediately passed by growling traffic, obstacles, unnecessary detour, insecure conditions, rainwater flooding which caused discomfort for motorists.
The driver is really not satisfied because many new roads cause more trouble than comfort.
In Nagpur there are abundant examples.
After repeated episodes of poor planning, defective design and inadequate construction, then start a series of corrective steps, rework and solutions that are compromised.
Many design and planning errors arise because there are no traffic studies, previous estimates and analysis, declared Janakroash, city-based NGOs working for traffic awareness in a letter to the MP Road Safety Committee and demanding mandatory safety and safety certification before opening road infrastructure, said Traffic activists and senior members of the Ashok LSM carandikar.
Vice President of the Safety Committee of MP and Rajya Sabha MP Dr.
Vikas Mahatma confirmed received a letter from Janakroash.
“This is a good suggestion and the MP panel is working on it,” he said.
The room was told toi that there was a set of other situations where new roads and roads were just placed opened for traffic before or without finishing.
“It must be clarified that the settlement of the road that is suitable for opening traffic is not just putting the path / sidewalk.
This road is suitable to open only when it is equipped with technical features and safety features.
Even the opening of the road to Sans traffic features or equipment that is very risky and dangerous for All road users, “said the letter.
The latest example is traffic at the newly opened DP Road that connects the Morris College T-Point and Institute of Science College.
After NMC opened a new road, the traffic police led by the Deputy Deputy Police Commissioner (Traffic) Sarang Awad closed it by quoting a lack of road safety measures and other important aspects.
It is recommended that before opening a new path, the technical aspect of whether the road has achieved full power for the traffic load designed, built with the right design, gradients, levels, camber and slope, work tract etc.
must be considered.
Similarly, the security aspects, including all pathways, zebra crossings, stopped lined painted, automatic signals, pedestrian lamps and timers there, dividers, paths are resolved and painted and street lights installed.
The technical aspect must have an audit team from the relevant department who built the road, while road safety measures must be examined by the Nodal Authority or by traffic police.
Check the technical list of technical * roads achieve full strength to load the designed traffic * Roads built with the right design width, gradients, levels, camers, and slopes * Roads have road airways * Full left canalysers * Works in everything in terms of contract agreement * all debris-debris-debris are adequate safety signs in place * signs on the spot

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