Corp took steps to resolve tax payment issues – News2IN

Corp took steps to resolve tax payment issues

Written by news2in

Thiruvananthapuram: City Corporation will regulate the tax of a month to overcome the problem of payment of property taxes in the city after the allegations of fund fraud at the Zon office.
When overcoming a special board meeting held here on Thursday, Mayor Arya Rajendran said the data update of the 4.5 lakh tax assessment will be completed in a month after it will be held.
It will be held from November 22 to December 17 which includes all zon offices and the main office.
It will be held on four days for the main office.
The mayor says after data updates and is, all complaints about tax payments will be resolved.
The leader of the BJP Parliament Party previously quoted his own example to highlight irregularities in data updates.
He said the payment was around Rs 20,000 because taxes had not been reflected on the website.
The mayor responded to his statement and said immediately after the complaint was received, the update was complete.
However, Gopan said the mayor set the wrong precedent by expecting all people with complaints to appear in the office so that the tax payment difference could be resolved.
Special board meetings see fiery exchanges between the two front on various occasions.
The Mayor almost lost its cool more than once when Gopan tried to approach him with a statement like a corporation not working with the police in providing relevant evidence to allegations of charges against the staff accused.
He continued to disturb Gopan and said he could not let him mislead the board and if he continued to do so so he would be forced to say that he was cheating.
UDF also took out from Gopan’s place to go and target him.
The leader of the Parliamentary Party UDF Padmakumar said that CPM leadership should not resist the mayor and must let it act freely without the interests.

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