McConnell under fire for the debt ceiling as a Democrat claimed victory – News2IN

McConnell under fire for the debt ceiling as a Democrat claimed victory

McConnell under fire for the debt ceiling as a Democrat claimed victory
Written by news2in

WASHINGTON: Senator Mitch McConnell, long known as the Republican mastermind, lost support among several members of his own party this week after offering Democrats temporarily prevented the default US majority credit threatened.
The 79-year-old Kentucky Party, who insisted on months that Democrats used complex procedures to raise their own debt ceiling, offering temporary repairs to expand it to early December after the US treasury would run out of money.
To pay his bill on October 18.
Democrats immediately agreed and declared victory after the agreement passed the Senate by the majority of 50-48 on Thursday.
“Someone got to McConnell and finally said:” Hey Mitch, you know, are you really ready to sink all American economies and the global economy with your determination? “,” Senator Bernie Sanders, told by Journalists Democrats on Friday.
While the deal was only postponing the same battle, McConnell’s decision to succumb to asking questions about whether he had placed himself in a loss in the confrontation in the future.
“Republican leadership flashes.
I think it is a mistake,” said Senator Republic Ted Cruz told reporters on Thursday.
But Republican strategists and assistants said the results could give the party to increase leverage to the Multitrillion-Dollar Social Expenditure Package Joe Joe Biden, which Democrats expected in the coming weeks.
The Republican Party believes the debate of high care ceiling can make it more difficult for Democrats to find a general appeal to the law.
“Forcing the Democrats to protect the debt ceiling into the fight (Biden Agenda) may have proven a very good strategy,” said the Republican strategy of the Republic Alex Conant.
Republican aide experts praised McConnell’s tactics by protecting “filibuster,” Super majority rules that require 60 votes to advance most of the laws in the room of 100 seats.
Which has enabled Republicans to block many democratic initiatives.
In the short term, McConnell faced the pressure of the ally of the Republic of the former President Donald Trump, who had repeatedly called the party to overthrow McConnell from his position.
Senator Lindsey Graham criticized the McConnell agreement as “complete capitulation” without naming leaders, added: “We have a strategy and we leave it.”

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