Jaipur: Dengue drives platelet demand – News2IN

Jaipur: Dengue drives platelet demand

Jaipur: Dengue drives platelet demand
Written by news2in

Jaipur: an unprecedented increase in the number of cases of dengue fever in this city has increased demand for random platelet donors (RDPS) and single donor platelets (SDSS) in various blood banks.
Usually, RDPS and SDP are needed for blood cancer patients.
Therefore, such donors are not available.
Because more bloody fever patients complained of damage to platelets, people were taken to social media looking for donors.
“We mostly need RDP and SDS for cancer patients and for people with gynecological problems.
Because the cases of dengue are up, demand for RDP and SDS have just doubled,” said Dr.
Amit Sharma, responsible for the blood bank at SMS.
Doctors say they provide 100 to 150 RDPS and 6 to 10 sdps every day in their hospital.
“Extracting SDS is a long procedure, where donors need to be at a blood bank for at least two hours.
Donors must be healthy and have a good number of platelets.
After a SDP contribution, someone can do it after 72 hours,” Sharma said.
The doctor’s hospital in the entire city said that there was an increase in the number of visitors to the outpatient department, which complained of fever and was finally diagnosed with dengue fever.
Doctors say people struggle to get platelets for close and loved ones.
“I volunteered to give a sdps to my mother, but I was told that I was not suitable to be donated.
I have circulated messages through social media among my family, friends and office colleagues,” Sujata Agarwal said, whose mother was treated in an SMS.
The hospital with platelets is calculated as low as 15,000.
“That’s a few moments before a man finally volunteer to contribute,” he said.

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