Letter: AAP leader faces wrath over the water supply – News2IN

Letter: AAP leader faces wrath over the water supply

Letter: AAP leader faces wrath over the water supply
Written by news2in

Letter: After winning 27 seats in the Municipal Corporation (SMC) letter, the AAM AADMI Party (AAP) has held many protests for civilian problems in the city.
But in a kind of reversal of the role, a member of the AAP council, though as an opposition party, had to face the anger of the people in his area.
A group of women from the housing community where Sakariya Payal lived arrived at his home and broke ground pots in protest.
Women protest a short supply of water by SMC in the community for the past three months.
Meanwhile, Sakariya claims that he also joins protests, and the locals do not protest it.
The women gathered outside Sakariya’s house on Saturday morning and shouted slogans to restore water supply.
They then broke the pot in Sakariya’s house.
Then, the group went to the gate in the community and continued protest.
“The protest against board members and also SMC.
We don’t even get basic facilities even though Sakariya comes from our society.
We don’t get enough water for the past three months and even though some representations don’t solve problems,” said Shailesh Dhanani, President of Narayan Nagar Society.
“I also joined the protest and it didn’t take me.
Some people from the opposition parties spread the wrong information,” Sakariya told Toi.
The community has 525 houses and faces many civil problems such as erratic water supply, drainage problems and poor roads.
“Our board members were elected earlier this month but still we faced the same problem.
We hope our board members to solve people’s problems based on priority.
Walk in our area in a sad condition,” Dhanani said.

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