Thousands of Afghans Receive Humanitarian Aid: UN Agency – News2IN

Thousands of Afghans Receive Humanitarian Aid: UN Agency

Thousands of Afghans Receive Humanitarian Aid: UN Agency
Written by news2in

New York: Thousands of Afghans have received humanitarian assistance within a week from September 27 to October 3 in Afghanistan, a UN agency said on Saturday.
In the northeastern region, more than 173,000 people were vulnerable to receiving food assistance in Baghlan, Badakhshan Province and Kunduz, coordination of humanitarian affairs (OCHA) in Afghanistan said while releasing their weekly reports on the website.
“All open health facilities in Kunduz Province and Baghlan, but most are not fully functional especially due to lack of medical supply,” he said.
In the north, a total of 54,796 people were vulnerable to receiving food for one month under the program support program for the World Food (WFP) program in Jawzjan and Sari Pul Province.
On September 30, 3,150 refugees from the conflict from the province of Jawzjan, Sisangan and Balkh in July and August received food in the city of Mazar-I-Sharif, the capital of Balkh.
Afghanistan is among the worst humanitarian situation in the world before the Taliban with the assumption of strength in August, which has deepened the needs and vulnerabilities.
Flash appeal USD 606 million was launched in September to help more than 10 million Afghans who are vulnerable to less than 40 percent funded.

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