Discom in Rajasthan sends a power cutting message – News2IN

Discom in Rajasthan sends a power cutting message

Discom in Rajasthan sends a power cutting message
Written by news2in

Jaipur: Discom in the country has begun sending warnings to electrical consumers that the possibility of shedding loads because the power plant faces coal and generation deficiencies.
They appeal to people to avoid unnecessary electricity use.
While cloudy conditions have reduced demand for power, it is not enough to compensate for the loss of power plants.
It seems that the efforts of the state have failed to increase the supply of coal from Indian coal subsidiary.
After meeting senior officials in New Delhi on October 13, a senior Energy Department official said that coal supply increased to 20 rakes.
He said that two Indian coal subsidiary had sent eight rakes and combined with 12 rakes from the State Mine (PKCL) operated by Adani, total capacity had reached 20 Rakes.
The state requires 19 roots of coal to fire all thermal plants, according to senior officials.
But on the contrary, the government’s liberation after review of the chairman of the minister about the situation of power on October 17 stated that coal supply from Indian coal subsidiaries remained at 5-6 rakes.
In fact, the government’s release said that the country only received 11 rakes from the PKCL mine instead of 12.
There may be some breath because the power level on the exchange has fallen into the average price of Rs 9 per unit from Rs 13 two days ago due to rain and cloudy weather conditions.
But it seems as soon as the temperature rises, buying power from the exchange will not be cheaper.
Some in Energy Dearment said, the purchase of power offers between state governments and sellers on non-transparent exchanges.
Officials have used a gap for their advantage even though the benefits do not come to the country.
Energy department officials said that the situation had increased from about eight days ago, but blackouts could not be ruled out.
The message from the discode clearly shows that the Decked Up bazaar is not possible to avoid darkness at a few moments in the coming weeks.

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