Confusion over college reopened because NU was a late notification problem – News2IN

Confusion over college reopened because NU was a late notification problem

Confusion over college reopened because NU was a late notification problem
Written by news2in

Nagpur: Total Confusion applies between universities on the reopening on Wednesday after Nagpur University failed to issue a notification in this matter even after meeting with the principal on Tuesday.
The order was only published on Wednesday night by Raju Hiwase registrar, after that college to be known about the guidelines regarding the reopening.
Even R Collector Vimala released a notification of universities that opened back on Wednesday, because many management cannot open their doors for students and prefer to wait for detailed orders.
Both notifications are permitted to be affiliated, carried out, and autonomous to restart the physical class from Wednesday itself.
Some school principals told Ti that they did not start the class because they were waiting for NU notifications.
They say even collector notices are accepted late at night.
Until archiving this report, many principals have not received notifications in this matter.
In the absence of clear guidelines from NU and collectors, they were forced to wait, even when they received several questions from students and anxious parents.
“Because we did not accept specific directions from NU, we have not continued physical class.
Indications in this case were given by the NU government during our Tuesday meeting.
We will only allow students who are fully vaccinated, namely with a capacity of 50%.
However, we face problems with First year students who are usually under 18 years and have not been inoculated with one Jab, “Dhanwate National College (DNC) Surendra Jichkar said.
The principal’s part also opposed NU’s move.
To restart the college only 10 days before the Diwali holiday began, during their meeting on Tuesday with Deputy Chancellor Subhash Chaudhari.
They also said they would impose unnecessary expenses in sanitation and other processes to follow a strict Covid-19 protocol.
However, the NU government refused their complaints and told them to start the class from Wednesday.
“We have discussed this aspect with the Ministry of Higher Education Uday Samant during all VC meetings.
He told us to at least start the class for eight days so students and college accustomed to new settings and then started the full class after the holidays.
It was also decided not to Receive approval from parents for students over the age of 18, “Chaudhari Toi said.
He added that the minister had convinced to discuss the hostel who emptied at the next meeting, because many universities have handed it to the local government to run the Covid Care Center.
“It was decided to invite only local students at first, while following all protocols such as double vaccination.” Similar confusion was witnessed in the Wardha District, because the collector also issued a reopening notice on Wednesday.
“When the notice was received on Wednesday afternoon, we have decided to restart the class from Thursday.
We have included most of our students with two Jabs in all of our colleges and strives to complete the residual vaccination immediately,” said Sanjay Bhargava, Chair of the Shiksha Mandal, who runs the Bajaj Group College such as JB, and the Bajaj Institute of Science, and Bajaj, however, technology.
Some universities, do not wait for government or NU notices, and continue the physical class based on the government resolution of Maharashtra (GR).
“We witnessed about 30% of today’s presence, because students wanted to attend college.
Many students approach us with a single dose or without it, but we politely mentioned them to follow the Covid-19 protocol.
At present, we will hold classes online and Offline mode.
After Diwali, we will emphasize the full physical class because our course is completely dependent on practice, “said the Head of Science Mohota Jeevan Dontulwar.
Boxcollector’s instructions * All non-agricultural universities, considered, and universities financed themselves to continue the classroom from October 20 * They must consult with local authorities to exceed the presence outside 50% * only students who have completed Covid-19 vaccination to become a entry permitted * universities working in banned areas must consult with local authorities * Authorities to publish detailed guidelines / standard operating procedures (SOP) for college * Online facilities must be available for students who cannot attend classes * to follow all more instructions High & Director of Technical Education at Restart Hostel

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