‘The best safety’ award for police police – News2IN

‘The best safety’ award for police police

'The best safety' award for police police
Written by news2in

Letter: Diamond City has been decided by ‘city with the best and recording safety and security systems’ in this country by the Union Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (Mohua).
Under ‘awards for excellence in Urban Transport’, the Ministry has compiled a letter as the best-performing city for the use of technology in safety, security and traffic management.
In the past other cities of various countries have been given to their achievements under this category.
This is the first time Diamond City was chosen for this award.
This award will be given to senior state police officers on October 29 in the Valediktori Session of the Indian Mobility Urban Conference in New Delhi.
The award was announced by Mohua on Friday.
“The ministry considers various aspects of each city and a letter found to use technology in the best way for safety, security, and maintenance records.
We have used modern technology to manage traffic and supervision,” said Police Commissioner Ajay Tomar to Tii.
The city began using CCTV supervision in 2012 with 104 cameras in 23 locations.
At present, there are more than 700 CCTV cameras under the city police network.
“We have a camera with the introduction of a face and automatic number plate.
We also use the e-Cop electronic surveillance model that through it we keep a close watch on criminals too,” added Tomar.

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