NMC employees protested delayed demands – News2IN

NMC employees protested delayed demands

NMC employees protested delayed demands
Written by news2in

Nagpur: Around 500 500 Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) Employees on Tuesday held a demonstration under the Panji Association of Employee Rashtriya Nagpur Corporation at Samvidhan Square to suppress the demands of their delayed, including the release of arrears of the 7th salary commission and the implementation of the payment of payment.
The President of Surendra Thingne’s association warned intensifying stirring if NMC did not meet the demands before Diwali.
Employees shouted anti-NMC slogans for almost three hours.
When the commissioner of the city of Radhakrishnan B was not in the city, the protesters met with the commissioner of the additional city of Ram Joshi and filed a demand note.
Employee demands include: release of arrears for at least five months from the extraordinary 16 months since when the 7th payment commission came into effect; Implementation of 11% Deagness benefits from October salary paid in November; Relaxation in the rules for making temporary employees working in permanent civilian bodies, etc.
“At present, the NMC asks for 20 years in service to make employees permanent,” saidne.
The association also demanded that all empty posts in the NMC be filled without delay.
According to the protesters, more than 45% of posts lie empty and as a result, workers are burdened.
“As many as 40 employees, including workers and sanitation teachers, have died of Covid-19 while issuing assignments during the pandemic period.
However, the relatives of the dead employees have not received RS50 Lakh compensation announced by the central government,” saidNe said.
NMC must provide Each RS10 to the deceased relatives and provide work to one member of a family like that, he added.
Agitators also accused the civilian body ruled by BJP adopting a double standard.
According to them, starting April 1, 2012 to March 31, 2017, the chairman of the permanent committee of the party’s decision has allocated RS10 Crore to channel the 6th payment commission arrears.
However, the budget amount is then used for several other objectives, they said.

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