Ajmer Teacher Group adopts 50 beggar children – News2IN

Ajmer Teacher Group adopts 50 beggar children

Ajmer Teacher Group adopts 50 beggar children
Written by news2in

Ajmer: A private school teacher and his group known as the UDAN community here have adopted 50 child beggars from the streets and made them accepted in different government schools.
The teacher provides food and education to children and wants them to complete their education.
Sunil Jose, a math teacher in a private school, is working on street children’s education so that they can emerge as better citizens with better opportunities.
“We adopted 50 child beggars and made them accepted at a government school in Kayar and Pancheel.
These children live in slums without the right home,” Jose said.
“We also set the van for these children who will take him from the slums to their school.
These children also get midday food in government schools.
After school, Van took it and took them to my house, where they were Has an additional class and then dinner, “added Jose.
The people of Udan have four teachers who teach at least 2 hours after their school assignments.
“The purpose behind this step is to stop children from begging and making them busy with their studies,” said another teacher.
Jose provides breakfast and dinner and clothes for these children from their salary.
Pediatric doctor Alok Garg was also associated with the community and treated health problems to these children.

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