Offline tests to prepare students for regular examinations – News2IN

Offline tests to prepare students for regular examinations

Offline tests to prepare students for regular examinations
Written by news2in

Chennai: College in a city plan to carry out offline internal tests, provide counseling to students and postpone semester exams to December to prepare students for physical fashion exams.
A faculty member from a city college said many students struggled to adapt to offline mode after writing three final semester exams in online mode.
“They wrote a very short answer and struggled to do experiments because they did not have laboratory exposure,” he said.
Safe! You have managed to throw your voteogin to see other results, the biggest challenge is the transition of unattended tests for examinated exams in the hall.
Loyola College has told students that the exam will be in physical mode.
“We need to motivate them to write in offline mode.
The online exam will not help in the long run,” said the Principal of Thomas Amirtham.
These colleges have many students from Middle Eastern countries and from various parts of India.
“These students will have some problems including getting a visa in turning to offline tests.
We simultaneously work on various styles of assessment,” he added.
Madras Christian College plans an internal assessment test in offline mode in preparation.
“If we ask students to directly take offline exams, they will fight.
We plan to do physical fashion tests even for students from other states,” said the Principal Paul Wilson.
College plans to increase the exam room and hold a physical exam in staggering ways.
Dg Vaishnav College has instructed the faculty members to strict internal tests.
“We have postponed semester exams to December-end to prepare students for offline fashion exams,” said Santhosh Baboo’s head.
The Ministry of Higher Education has instructed all universities to avoid online examinations to improve the quality of semester exams.
Principal Nanak teacher M G Ragunathan said students were not interested in physical exams.
“We need to give them counseling before the exam,” he said.
Universities have conducted internal tests in offline mode to train students.
Madras University officials said they would consult with colleges affiliated before completing the physical fashion exam.
“The semester exam will be in physical mode in December or January.
We will discuss with college about student easing with physical mode,” said an official.

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