Good Samaria Donating 2 Tanks to Makadmares – News2IN

Good Samaria Donating 2 Tanks to Makadmares

Good Samaria Donating 2 Tanks to Makadmares
Written by news2in

Margao: Following the report in Wednesday’s edition of TI that Makadmare tribes looked at the water crisis that would soon occur, some good Samaritans advanced and helped get two water tanks for them.
Moved by the fate of Adivasis, Ashok Menon, President of Past, Rotary Club from Panaji-Midtown, and Baylon Gomes of the Hands of Hope Foundation coordinated with a water storage tank supplier in Verna and ensured that they were immediately sent to the location.
Two 750L tanks arrived at the settlement in Nirankal, Ponda, on Wednesday night, many with tribal joy.
However, the two tanks only solve problems, because more need to be installed to meet the water requirements of nearly 100 people living in settlements.
“Thank you to all individuals and associations for the first response to help solve a partial problem.
Hopefully the long-term solution will come from the government, because they have set the target of Har Ghar Jal,” Dr.
Sachin Tendulkar, Agro researchers and social workers, who endlessly chasing Causes of Makadmares, said.
Wednesday TOI report showed that with two water tanks installed by PWD near the settlement five years ago now damaged, the tribes can immediately face water misery.
“I’m glad we can get small help for those who need it,” said Menon.
“Sunil Mone club president and Secretary Sanjeev Dessai took the initiative to help Makadmares by providing water tanks, proposals supported by all members,” he said.

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