With 10 deaths, a list of sccl mine accidents – News2IN

With 10 deaths, a list of sccl mine accidents

With 10 deaths, a list of sccl mine accidents
Written by news2in

Hyderabad: Singareni Colliaries Company Limited (SCCL) – Tocy of coal mine is above in the list that doubts the country’s accident site, witnessing ten deaths this year.
Death is caused by the collapse of the roof, the collapse of the underground side wall and a vehicle accident in the OpenCast mine.
Data analysis of in-depth years revealed, on average, 8 to 12 fatalities were reported every year.
“The latest incident (Srirampampur in Manserial on Wednesday) occurs due to the collapse of the roof.
Coal mine has several layers and, on coal, there is stone.
While removing coal, these layers are separated.
The team involved in strengthening the roof has become a victim .
They tried to do grouting because of a separate roof bolt.
Without any indication, the roof collapsed, “said General Manager SCCCL, Coordination, K Suryanarayana.
“In 2021 so far, four fatal accidents produce 10 deaths.
Six died in an underground mine and four in the OpenCast mine.
When they served, their families were paid compensation, dependent work and terminal allowances” The roof fall incident occurred in Srirampur (Wednesday ) And BhupaLapally this year.
“In the OpenCast mine, most accidents occur due to human negligence.
Trucks hit other vehicles or ran above workers.
The case of six percent is God’s actions such as tremors and so on,” added Suryanarayana.
Previously, according to statistics provided by the Coal Ministry at Lok Sabha, Telangana Underground Mines was top in the graph in the death of coal mining accidents in the country.
Coal mine under the control of SCC recorded fatal accidents as high as miners and serious accidents in the past four years.
Apart from Telangana, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand have maximum death.

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