Most of 2020 state fires are in a residential building – News2IN

Most of 2020 state fires are in a residential building

Mumbai: More than half of all victims regarding the fire in Maharashtra last year were women.
Data with the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) also shows that 60% of 762 fires in the state, which resulted in death or injury, were reported in the housing building.
Maharashtra is ranked fourth in the country in the maximum main blazes, after Madhya Pradesh, Odisha and Chhattisgarh.
Of the 767 victims of the relevant fire in Maharashtra, 442 were women.
TimesViewCitizen and the authorities must work together to prevent blazes.
While citizens need to be responsible for maintaining fire fighting equipment and holding ordinary artificial exercises, the authorities must conduct surprise inspections and overcome labor problems.
Fires in residential areas have a higher chance to lead to loss of life and not only property.
Women are more vulnerable because many stay back to care for homes and children while men go to work.
The functional fire extinguisher system in buildings will help firefighters contain fire into smaller areas and extinguish it quickly.
“Women usually are the first to enter the kitchen and the last one goes, making them more vulnerable to domestic fires,” said the forensic fire investigation Nilesh Ukunde.
About 28% of all fires in the country were caused by stoves exploding or cooking gas cylinder explosions last year.
“During the festival, women tend to sit on the floor near the LPG stove and cylinder to make a snack.
Because the cylinder pressure increases, the gas can be leaked from the joint where the rubber tube is attached to the stove.
It becomes heavier, LPG still returns in the room and sheer friction can cause it to turn on, “Ukunde said, adding that people rarely bother changing rubber tubes.
One reason why fires in a commercial place are the obedience is considered very serious in the last.
“In some housing places, firefighting equipment can be installed but does not work when needed.
Also commercial companies are not occupied all the time like most housing structures,” said Prakash Devdas, President, Association of Mumbai Fire Brigade officers.
He said that the fire department did not have adequate staff to check some places that were fully occupied in the city.
Recently Mumbai Fire Brigade could not start a mini fire extinguisher in Santacruz due to lack of staff.
The fire brigade currently has 750 empty posts and has not been able to recruit more personnel because of a pandemic.
Usually, in a prominent commercial room, there is a graha body that monitors encroachment in the general area or floor of the protection.
“But in a residential area, there are several examples of protective areas and public spaces that are spent, sometimes as far as Houshelps use it to stay or cooking.
Buildings must be designed very carefully with toilets that are not located above the meter box like if there is a leak from The toilet, fleetes erupted from the meter box and nobody realized until things became serious, “said Shirish Sukhatme, former president of architect engineer practicing.
and city planner associations.
But awareness about low fire safety.
Building management often passes through maintenance of fire and artificial drill equipment almost never done.
“Life saving tools such as fire extinguisher can turn into ‘drinking apparatus’.
If it is not maintained correctly,” Ukunde said, adding that when the fire came out, the first few seconds were very important.
Whether it’s a Ahmednagar Blaze involving children or one in Pune where the victim is very scorched for identification, those who run away or drawn immediately are survivors.

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