FoodGrains Rejection: Fadnavi to lead BJP Morcha – News2IN

FoodGrains Rejection: Fadnavi to lead BJP Morcha

Nagpur: The opposition leader Devendra Fadnivis will lead Morcha BJP on Monday in the city to protest alleged rejection of meadows for certain ration card holders.
Pravin Datke, party city president, said that the state government has not distributed food gardens received from the center, to beneficiaries who qualified.
Datke said, “The orange card holder was denied rations even though the center had made sufficient provisions.
During locking, the central government, under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has sent enough food for Maharashtra.
This plunge material must be distributed to residents who need.” ” To highlight this injustice, we will take Morchar from Yeshwant Stadium to the district collector’s office.
We ask the maximum person to join this rally because in the end for the benefit of the poor, “said Datke.
Apart from Fadnavis, all other senior leaders such as Chandrashekhar Bawankule and Party’s Mla and Canporators are expected to join.
Datke said, “We have a list of demands but the main thing is to provide snacks to all orange card holders, according to the quota received from the center.” He also said the online card registration process must be simplified.
Speaking to TOI separately, Datke also expressed concern over violence in Amravati.
“We appeal to everyone that peace must win in any way.
We are all convinced that there will be no spills in Nagpur as citizens here are counting and accommodating.
All the communities concerned here are quite mature to avoid all types of confrontation.
In fact.
, We appeal to everyone that full cooperation must be given to the police in such situations, “said Datke.

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