Mumbai: Gas station staff caught cheating in parle vile – News2IN

Mumbai: Gas station staff caught cheating in parle vile

Mumbai: A restaurant owner catches cheating officers while filling gas at the pump at Parle Vile on Wednesday.
Sonali Ambardekar said the officer turned his attention from paying attention to the meter reading that must start from zero.
“The officer who pretends to be my car’s fuel tank is not open.
He wasted 5-7 minutes to tell me to start the machine, cover and start again.
I keep in and out of my car.
Suddenly, he shouted that the tank hat has opened and started refueling, “he said.
When he examined the meter, it had passed the RS 500 so he complained to the officer, who continued to repeat how difficult it was to open the lid.
Ambardekar then protested after that the officer filled the fuel to RS3,000 and left.
He complained to the supervisor who swiped his card for Rs2,500.
“Do they know I was cheated? I want people to arrive at the pump to be alert and make sure they are not cheated,” he said.
Somit Sen.

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