BJP camp in a happy mood after a Cong disaster – News2IN

BJP camp in a happy mood after a Cong disaster

Written by news2in

Nagpur: Even when the mood in the Congress camp was gloomy a day before the election of the MLC local authority constituency, the BJP camp was happy.
The last minute development in the Congress camp caused the party to replace his official candidate Ravindra Bhoard and decided to support an independent party leader to the Toi.
They have expected this development, because Bhourn is not financially strong or has support from BJP Corporators, as claimed by it.
The opposition leader Devendra Fadnivis said, “With or without Bhoard, our candidate Chandrashekhar Bawansule will win the election with a record of margins when counting on December 14.” Both Fadnavis and Bawankule met around 334 voters in three camps – in Deaf Veerbag and two olive resorts – in pest on Thursday night, and discussed them about various aspects of voting process.
“Because voting will occur in preferential format, leaders explain to them nuances and how to mark their preferences.
They are also notified of DOS and should not be done from the voting system, so they do not make mistakes while using their fundamental rights and avoiding cancellation their voices, “said a leader to Ti.
President BJP President Pravin Datke told Ti that the three camps were already in a happy mood and their excitement was doubled after hearing developments in the opposition camp.
“The Congress has lost the right to ask for a voice after the disaster today.
It should be completely pulled from Fray after being badly released.
With today’s development in the opposition camp, we will not only win with more than 400 votes, but will do it very much Both in the Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) poll next year.
Now, even the community has realized how unreliable the Old Grand Party, “he told Toi.
The leadership of the Safron Party conducted a series of meetings with workers to complete their duties during the Friday poll.
Their placement in three city cubicles and even beyond resolved during the meeting carried out throughout the day.
Even activists from rural areas are also instructed in the same way, according to the brass of the Safron Party.
BJP leaders said Bawankule also camped in Pencik with other voters and will arrive in the city on Friday morning with the Canporators.

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