The government is set to give GUV only two names for VC – News2IN

The government is set to give GUV only two names for VC

The government is set to give GUV only two names for VC
Written by news2in

Mumbai: According to the Autonomy of the State University throughout Maharashtra, the Maharashtra Cabinet on Wednesday cleaned up amendments to Maharashtra Public University Act (2016) and decided to beat the line and short of the Chancellor’s representative.
Changing the election method, the country will now receive a list of five nominations chosen by the election panel, select the same three and shipping with Raj Bhavan for the governor, Chancellor of the University, to finally declare the candidate.
The same process will also be followed to appoint pro VCS.
In another decision, the Minister of Higher Education, taking a signal from the University of Agriculture, will now be the Chancellor of Pro all state public universities.
Safe! You have managed to throw your voteogin to see the date of the results, all elections are free from government disorders.
The VC / ProvC search panel was led by governor candidates, one member was recommended by the management board and the third by the Academic Council.
This committee invited applications, selected candidates, interviewed them and suggested five names to Chancellor who then chose one.
It is always mentioned that the names do not have a preferential order and all must be considered equivalent.
Under the New Order, this search panel will send their list to Mantalaraya who will choose two out of five of five and finally allow Raj Bhavan to choose a candidate.
The Minist of Higher Education and Technical Uday Samant told TII that this recommendation was made to the state by the expert panel under Sukhdev Thorat, a former chairman of the University Grant Commission.
The panel was formed to suggest changes in the law for the implementation of effective national education policies.
“The University of Agriculture also has the position of Pro Chancellor held by the Minister of Agriculture.
Only universities under the Ministry of Higher Education and Technical who have no post,” Samant said.
“Also, as far as the process of selecting VC and Pro VCS is related, we have followed a procedure in the implementation at the central universities where the selection panel sent its recommendations to the government which then sent it to the President,” Samant told Tii.
He said that there was no question to violate the rights of the governor.
“The governor is a constitutional post and there are no questions about taking their rights,” Samant said, who also said that the Committee has made more recommendations that will be taken wisely.
The bond between MVA and BS Governor Koshyari has been tense with both different in many problems – such as the chair nominated by the governor in the legislative council.
Education and former Principal Anil Rao, condemned the country’s decision.
“This is an attack that is unreasonable to academic autonomy that should be suspected.
Chancellor is the peak authority and above all politics.
Higher education must be fully autonomous and miles from politics.
Also, the rights of issues are doubtful to crawl with the decision to appoint the minister of higher education As Pro Chancellor.
“Economist Abhya Pete said,”
Amendments and procedures for eroding university autonomy and reduced universities subject to the government that day are orders of university governance since when Pune University laws in 1974 to 2009, stated the latest research papers, “Higher Education Policy in Maharashtra: Education-Political Nexus Dilute university authorities “.
“If there is a utens running in connection with the university government, it is a systematic and deinstitutionalized de-legitimatization, leaving university is no better than other government departments intended to serve the interests of education management owners who are ministers in the government.
Doubtful whether there are over-centralized university functions and strength with the government in other states, “said a material, the National Education Planning and Administration Institute.
The cabinet also made a decision to establish an equivalent opportunity board, maratha language, the literary conservation committee was also taken in the cabinet.

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