‘Watch the Surge World 4’: Warning the Government Amid the Threat of Omicron – News2IN
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‘Watch the Surge World 4’: Warning the Government Amid the Threat of Omicron

'Watch the Surge World 4': Warning the Government Amid the Threat of Omicron
Written by news2in

New Delhi: The government on Friday said that the world witnessed the fourth surge in Covid cases and was debated carefully to the decline in guards in the midst of the year-end celebration.
Overcoming the weekly briefing in the Covid situation, the Ministry of Health Union urges people to follow the appropriate behavior of Covid and increase vaccination.
Here are the main points of government direction: Omicron scenario * Of 183 Omicron cases analyzed so far, 91% are fully vaccinated with three have booster shots, 70% asymptomatic, 61%.
* The number of people recovering from the Omicron variant is 114.
* Omicron has a significant advantage of growth over Delta, spread rapidly through the community with 1.5 to 3 days of doubling time, the government said comment (WHO) WHO.
* Given the omicron variant, the government begs in the private health sector to be ready because it must play an important role in managing a pandemic.
* Care protocol for Covid-19 & Delta will apply to Omicron.
While evidence arises, the potential for immune runaway for higher delta & high transmission levels will cause a high surge case.
* The world witnesses the fourth surge in cases and overall participants is 6.1%.
Therefore, we must be on guard and we cannot relax.
* While Europe, North America & Africa see an increase in the case of Covid-19 week-on-week, Asia still witnessed a decline in the case of Sunday to Sunday.
* Dominant tension in India is Delta including the cluster that has just been identified.
Therefore, we need to continue with the same strategy of the appropriate Covid behavior and increase vaccination.
* * ICMR and DBT work together to finance viruses.
We are testing the efficacy of the vaccine against the Omicron Covid-19 variant.
The position of the Covid case * The top five countries with the number of highest active cases is currently Kerala, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, and Karnataka.
* 20 districts throughout the country report the weekly peposititivity between 5 and 10 percent, two districts are more than 10 percent.
* The participant level of Covid-19 cases in Kerala and Mizoram is much higher than the national average.
This is the cause of concern.
Vaccination and preparedness * 89% of the eligible population in India has received at least the first dose of vaccine.
61% of eligible populations have received the second dose.
* In the booster dose policy, the government said that the deliberation was underway and was reviewing scientific data.
* We have 18,10,083 Isolation beds, 4.94,314 O2 Beds supported, 1.39,300 ICU Beds, 24,057 Pediatric ICU Beds and 64,796 Pediatric Non-ICU Beds available nationally.
* There is a 10-fold increase in oxygen demand from wave 1 to 2nd wave.
Thus, 18,800 metric tons of medical oxygen per day has been arranged for; Because fears are 11 states where vaccination coverage is less than the national average.

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