Patients complain of food, cleanliness problems at MLA Hostel CCC – News2IN

Patients complain of food, cleanliness problems at MLA Hostel CCC

Written by news2in

Nagpur: Covid patients complain of non-hygienic conditions at MLA Hostel CCC.
They also complained that the food was not sent to them, and they were forced to ask for food from the house late on Monday night.
One patient was brought to social media to post complaints online, including toilet photos choking that leads to health fears.
He said, “The room was not clean, the bathroom was dirty, and the cleaners were just washed the bathroom, leaving a group of hair on the channel cover, which stopped the flow of water.” He further wrote no trash can in the room, and there was no control on the movement of Covid patients, who even moved outside the CCC.
“Dinner was not served.
The canteen staff told me that they were not told.
When I complained to the doctor, he talked to a canteen man, and the doctor said I had to go and take my food from the canteen, which I rejected.
I asked him what the purpose was Isolation? “He said.
The woman also showed that no PPE kit was given to doctors, nurses, and household staff at CCC.
Officials admitted most of the complaints were correct, but about the food they said patients did not work together.
“Food package delivery is done in the corridor and the patient is expected to take it.
The whistle is blown to remind about food delivery.
But he expects shipping in the room.
Shipping boys cannot go up to each room,” the official said.
They added that some patients might have taken additional food packages, they did not leave it for the final mature.
“The doctor also save additional food packages for reception late at night.
He called the doctor who asked him to come and take it.
He didn’t go two floors downstairs but called for food from home,” they said.
As for PPE kit, Central official said the kit did not have to be doctors and nurses at CCC but available for household and medical staff when the Swab sample must be taken.
“Household staff may not wear, but they are given a kit,” they said.
The additional city commissioner Ram Joshi said the problem was resolved.
“No complaints on Tuesday.
The MLA Hostel canteen is a paid service while NMC provides free food packages.
Cleanliness problems raised with the Ministry of Public Works, which have an annual maintenance contractor.
A security guard has also been deployed.”

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