Ludhiana: GST’s increase in textiles rolled back, local entrepreneurs were in their hands against the indirect tax center and customs (CBIC) once again, this time for the new rules that apply started 1.
The rules say that the 3B return gstrown failed to show The right tax because, there might be a GST attack on business without notice, and the owner will not hear.
Ending this “Draconian Rules”, the request of entrepreneurs drawn and claimed that the implementation would lead to unnecessary harassment to honest entrepreneurs who missed the payment deadline for sincere reasons.
Fasteners Association of Indian President Narinder Narinder Bhamar Manufacturer said: “We failed to understand why the central government and their departments such as CBIC must impose hard laws on employers and then repent.” He said: “A few days ago, after a form of protest, they had to roll back the proposed increase in GST on textiles and clothing from 5 to 12%.
But they failed to learn from this error and impose other governments to us who gave the power Not supposed to our tax inspectors at any time with the pretext of recovering taxes Doing business.
That’s a new rule is strange, because in case the garment manufacturer has shown an invoice of 50 lakh rs at GSTR-1 but shows taxes only at RS 5 Lakh sales at GSTR-3B, GST officers can only draw into the factory to recommend .
eh 45 lakh rs without notice.
There are situations when some entrepreneurs can make This error is accidentally or for some sincere reasons.
The government must reconsider their decisions and scrap rules.