Ludhiana: Police Division 3, on Tuesday, arrested a Conman, who had befallen as an officer about the Special Task (OSD) to Charanjit Minister Singh Channi and the people who were cheated.
Police said Vijay Pandey from Naulakha Park had cheated several people on the grounds.
help them get government work and solve their problems.
The defendant was also summoned at the police station, also disguised as OSD.
by the sales tax department.
Through a friend, we contacted Vijay, who introduced himself as an OSD to CM.
“They met Vijay on December 16, 2021.” He was sure to help us get the released consignment.
He took Rs 22,000 from us for sales tax officers.
But when the job was not done, we were looking for money back.
Vijay then began to threaten us, “he added.” We believe Vijay became OSD because he knew the names of all senior police and politicians.
Sometimes when I will call him, he will say he is sitting with some MLA, the minister of cabinet or a senior police officer.
In addition, in front of me, he had called several shos and police, introducing himself as an OSD to CM, “he said.
Jatin added that the defendant had also cheated two women, happy John and Shakuntla Benjamin, both Ludhiana, each Rs 40,000 and Rs 20,000, with the pretext of helping them get the work of the government.
Good Mohan Singh said, “Vijay’s drunk spilled beans in front of Jatin that he was a conman and had no relationship with any politicians.
Then Jatin filed a police complaint.
We have received more complaints against him.
He has cheated two women too.
“” After arresting the defendant, we learned that he also called at our police station, introduced himself as OSD to CM.
During the lock, he called, said some shops open after the deadline was permitted.
Vijay has a small business installing CCTVs, “the case of Di ASI has been listed below Section 420 (cheating) and 506 (criminal intimidation) IPC.