Joe Biden to speak ‘truth’ on the January 6 warning, Trump Cancel Event – News2IN

Joe Biden to speak ‘truth’ on the January 6 warning, Trump Cancel Event

Joe Biden to speak 'truth' on the January 6 warning, Trump Cancel Event
Written by news2in

WASHINGTON: US President Joe Biden will be on Thursday to mark a one-year anniversary of the January 6 deadly attack on US Capitol by respecting the courage of law enforcement regarding the scene, and outlining unfinished work that needs to be done by the nation to strengthen it.
Democracy, the White House said.
“On Thursday, the President will talk to the truth about what happened, not some lies have spread since then, and the danger has posed with the rules of our democratic democratic government,” White House spokesman Jen PSAKI said.
Tell reporters on Tuesday afternoon, in the first preview of the Presidential Statement.
Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, both the Democrats, will speak on Thursday morning in US Capitol, one year after the loyal mass to the former President Donald Trump invaded the complex in a failed effort to stop the election of the Biden delivered officially the election victory.
Later Tuesday, Trump canceled a press conference at Mar-a-Lago Plantation in Florida who had been scheduled for the night of January 6, said he would overcome many of the same topics in January 15 rally.
Trump, several republican teammates and the right media personality have pushed the wrong and misleading account to downplay the January 6 attack, calling it protest without violence or blaming the left-wing activists.
Four people died on the day of riots, and one police officer Capitol died a day after defending the congress.
Dozens of police were injured during a multi-hour attack by Trump’s supporters, and four officers since it took their own lives.
Biden will give an extra spotlight on the role of Capitol police and other people at the scene on January 6, PSAKI said.
“Because of their efforts, our democracy survives with attacks from a horde, and the will of more than 150 million people who chose in the presidential election was finally registered by Congress,” said PSAKI.
PSAKI was asked what the President’s message for many republicans believed Biden stole the selection of Trump, even though there was opposite evidence.
“What he will continue to do is talk to everyone in this country.
Those who don’t choose, those who might not believe he is a legitimate president, about what he wants to do to make their lives better,” PSAKI said.
The White House struggled to get the voting rights law through the US Senate which would be against new laws in the Democratic Party countries led by Republicans would limit the leaning voters.
Two sources told Reuters that Biden and Harris did not plan to use the January 6 program to encourage the voting law.

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